BLS (Basic Life Saving) CPR Course

BLS CPR training refers to Basic Life Support CPR training, which is a training program that teaches individuals the basic skills and knowledge needed to perform CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) in emergency situations.

The American Heart Association (AHA) provides BLS CPR training for healthcare providers, including nurses, doctors, and other medical professionals. The training covers essential skills such as chest compressions, rescue breathing, and the use of an automated external defibrillator (AED).

BLS CPR training typically includes both hands-on skills training and written assessments. The hands-on training involves practicing CPR techniques on a mannequin, while the written assessments test knowledge of CPR techniques, algorithms, and protocols.

Upon completion of the BLS CPR training, participants are usually awarded a certificate that demonstrates their proficiency in performing CPR. The certificate is typically valid for two years, after which participants must complete a refresher course to maintain their certification.

BLS CPR training is essential for healthcare providers and first responders who may be required to perform CPR in emergency situations. It can also be beneficial for individuals who want to learn how to respond to medical emergencies and potentially save lives.